Aug 18, 2005 02:48
So I'm a chud and can't resist surveys....I got this one off of myspace so bear with me.
1. Smoked a cigarette - an hour ago
2. Smoked a cigar - yup.
3. Made out with a member of the same sex - uh...I don't think Conlin counts
4. Crashed a friend's car - nope
5. Stolen a car - nope
6. Been in love - pssh...I don't talk to boys
7. Been dumped - yeah a million years ago
8. Shoplifted - I'm not cool enough to do badass stuff like that
9. Been fired - Nope
10. Been in a fist fight - no, I'd get my ass kicked
11. Snuck out of your house - nah. thats lame
12. Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - who hasnt
13. Been arrested - nah...I'm smooth like that
14. Made out with a stranger - yeah I suppose so
15. Gone on a blind date - nope. I don't go on dates
16. Lied to a friend - prolly a few times
17. Had a crush on a teacher - mr. evans!
18. Skipped school - haha I had like 28 missed days my senior year
19. Slept with a co-worker - I don't sleep with anyone
20. Seen someone die - kinda...I saw my uncle have the heart attack that eventually killed him.
21. Been on a plane - yup yup
22. Thrown up in a bar - no, but I have puked at a frat house
23. Taken painkillers - oxycontin baby!
24. Like someone or miss someone right now - always
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - on rob's trampoline. it rocked
26. Made a snow angel - hells yes
27. Played dress up - i like to dress in drag
28. Cheated while playing a game - never ;)
29. Been lonely - the story of my life
30. Fallen asleep at work/school - yeah it sucks
31. Used a fake ID - nope
32. Felt an earthquake - yup, that one the sv had a few years ago. it was kinda sweet
33. Touched a snake - yeah
34. Ran a red light - i dont drive
35. Been suspended from school - nah
36. Had detention - only all the time my senior year.
37. Been in a car accident - yeah a couple. nothing serious tho
38. Hated the way you look - depends on the day
39. Witnessed a crime - some people stole some stuff at the DFC, i've taken part in a few crimes, oh and i saw a cop car hit some kid in cleveland
40. Pole danced - um it's my job...duh
41. Been lost - yeah
42. Been to the opposite side of the country - no, the furthest west ive ever been is like van wert ohio
43. Felt like dying - i've felt pretty shitty before, but never like actually dying
44. Cried yourself to sleep - yeah
45. Played cops and robbers - i'm not into kinky stuff
46. Sang karaoke - yeah at a virgin bitches!
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't - sure
48. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose - sadly, yes
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue - yup!
50. Kissed in the rain - no but that would rock hardcore
51. Sang in the shower - yeah, i can pretend to sound good in there
52. Made love in a park - hah funny
53. Had a dream that you married someone - i think so
54. Glued your hand to something - no i'm not that dumb
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no, that would suck
56. Wear/worn the opposite sex's clothes - sure
57. Been a cheerleader - for entirely too many years
58. Sat on a roof top - yup yup
59. Didn't take a shower for a week - haha was kinda gross, even for me
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - yes i fucking hate scary movies.
61. Played chicken - no
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yup
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger - some black guys have hit on me before
64. Broken a bone - no
65. Been easily amused - every day of my life
66. Laugh so hard you cry - on a regular basis
67. Mooned/flashed someone - yeah
68. Cheated on a test - no....ok, yes
69. Forgotten someone's name - yes
70. Slept naked - yeah and it rocks
71. Gone skinny dipping in a pool - no
72. Been kicked out of your house - no janet isnt that crazy yet
73. Passed out from drinking - yup
74. Played a prank on someone - sure. its a fun activity
75. Gone to a late night movie - yeah..i saw star wars and lord of the rings at midnight (yeah i'm a nerd)
76. Made love to anything not human - uh.....who hasnt
77. Failed a class - i got a d in chem 3 which is practically failing
78. Choked on something you werent suppose to put in your mouth - do penises count?
79. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours - in a row god no, but combined then god yes
80. Cheated on a gf/bf - i never have one to cheat on
81. Ate a whole package of oreos - i think over the course of a day or two
82. Thrown strange objects - probably
83. Felt like killing someone - yeah, it happens
84. Thought about running away - ive considered it
85. Ran away - no
86. Done drugs - nah
87. Had detention and not attend it - yup, it sadly just gets you more detention
88. Yelled at your parents - yup yup
89. Made a parent cry - no, janet is a cold hearted bitch lol
90. Cried over someone - yeah, i'm a cry baby
91. Owned more than 5 sharpies - thats a freaking dumb question
92. Dated more than 1 person at once - haha i cant date one
93. Have a dog - sanderson rocks more than anyone i know
94. Have a cat - only like 4
95. Own an instrument - yes, a few
96. Been in a band - the dorky marching variety
97. Had more than 25 sodas in one day - who does that?
98. Broken a cd - yeah...i steped on my weezer green album
99. Shot a gun - no
100. Been on myspace for more than 5 hours - no, and those that have have a serious problem
yup so that was fun. i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did.