Lookit what I dun!

Mar 31, 2017 18:56


BEHOLD! Eighth Note Publications has put out my newest band work, Andalusia. It was a ton of fun to write, and next month, C. L. Barnhouse will be putting out my, Shipshape and Bristol Fashion. The CD has been made with professional players in Washington. To think: I am on the same CD as James Swearingen, Andy Glover and Larry Daehn. If you're a band pro, those are great names in the business.

Sometimes, I wonder if I am on the CD solely for comic relief. But I don't think so, ultimately.

I have thirteen other pieces on the hopper with those publishers and the folks at TRN and Wingert-Jones have been in talks with me, too.

Yep. Published life is great! I've been told to expect anywhere between 3-5 K profit for a piece in the first year, more if people really like it. I hope they do. There's a Miata MX-5 out there with my name on it!
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