Episode 3: Shroomfield

Nov 18, 2011 00:32

A. Downtown | Neutron Diner | Interior | Early Evening

[Peter sits at the bar inside of the small-town diner. Girls in rollerskates zip past him, serving the other six or seven customers in the restaurant. On the jukebox, Bobby Day's "Rockin' Robin" plays, and he can feel the vibration of the drum beats and the taps of drone feet through the floor. ( Read more... )

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Comments 69

Action B walking_nuke November 18 2011, 19:29:09 UTC
[The mailbox Peter's currently raiding belongs to the Wilburs.]

[And Balin is standing there a few feet away from Peter, watching him seemingly emptying the mailbox yet pulling nothing out.]

... You some kinda mime or somethin'?


Re: Action B webball November 18 2011, 21:09:40 UTC
[Balin's words are unheeded. Peter just keeps clutching the invisible mail, his expression one of stunned disbelief.]

What...what is this? Some kind of sick joke!? This isn't...!


walking_nuke November 19 2011, 04:58:25 UTC
[Raising his voice a little as he steps closer.]

Yo! Hey, I'm talkin' to you!


webball November 19 2011, 23:20:58 UTC
Pete darts his head up to stare at this newcomer. Then his eyes grow wide and he hides his hands behind his back] Go away! There's... there's nothing here to see!


surf_n_makai November 19 2011, 03:01:14 UTC
[Kono's walking, just wishing to spend some time outside and out of her house for a bit, when she spots Peter tearing through a mailbox that's obviously not his. She walks up to him to see what's up. When she does get close, she sees he's not really taking anything out of it.]

Peter? Are you looking for something?


webball November 19 2011, 03:03:59 UTC
[So absorbed in his activity, he doesn't register her question.]

What... why are all of these...! What is this?!


surf_n_makai November 19 2011, 03:08:36 UTC
[Ok, he clearly didn't hear that. Kono steps up beside him and tries again, a little louder.]

Hey, Peter. What's wrong?


webball November 19 2011, 03:15:51 UTC
[Peter perks up slightly at the sound of his name and turns to find its source. It sounds muddled to him... far away, like he's listening from underwater.]

...Kae...? What... how long have you been standing there?

[He's still clutching thin air, but when he lowers his hands to his sides, he suddenly squats on the ground, scooping up something only he can see.]


B beardonfire November 19 2011, 13:59:44 UTC
[Oh, this oughta be good.]

Expecting something?


Re: B webball November 20 2011, 00:31:26 UTC
Peter jumps a little, startled, but doesnt turn around. He starts stuffing the invisible things he was holding into the mailbox again and hastily closes it.]

N-nothing to see here, so just... go away..


B beardonfire November 20 2011, 23:47:52 UTC
[Hmmmmm nah, He's gonna lean in a little closer.]

That 'nothing' you have there seems awfully important to you, if I do say so myself!


Re: B webball November 21 2011, 03:15:15 UTC
[A light of recognition goes on in his eyes.]

YOU! DR. OCTOPUS! What are you doing here? Is this your trap, throwing me in this crazy place?!


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