Episode 2: The Phantom Menace

Nov 14, 2011 19:48

[A | High School | Interior]

[After looking at the mysterious photographs scattered around his home, Peter felt he knew even less about what's going on, if that was even possible. Those pictures showed him smiling, with arms around those strangers his family members, or reading the newspaper, as if nothing is wrong at all, and he had been living there his entire life. He had no recollection of any of these events, or even the people in them! Stranger still were the photos of him in a classroom, at a chalkboard. He could make out a few small heads in the corners of the shot: students at their desks. He was a teacher here? Did the masterminds of Mayfield know he was a teacher in the real world? How did they know that?

Still, with no other leads, Peter decided to check out the high school and try to find some answers. On his way there, a kid walking by greeted him as "Teach". He had never met the boy in his life. Or had he?

Now, you see him standing just inside the main entrance, looking at the lockers and hallways with obvious confusion.]

[B | Library | Interior]

[Desperate for answers, Peter sought out the only place he could think of that could give him some background on this nightmare reality: the library. Instinctively, he extended a wrist to fire a webline, but caught himself. The buildings around here seem to be on the lower side anyhow. He headed downtown, passing chipper face after chipper face. Even the dogs were all well-groomed and well-mannered.

Now, he looks up at Mayfield Public Library. He smirks and says darkly, to no one in particular: ]

Anyone know where I can get a library card?

high school, library, mayfield_rpg

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