Jun 29, 2009 12:29
So, I see that I misspelled the subject the other day for my entry. It was supposed to be "It doesn't pay off to wander on here." Or something.
I get an uninvited guest... when I'm in the shower... what is that?
Living wills and power of attorneys. I wouldn't be able to bear if it were my father lying there. I wouldn't leave his side. I couldn't leave his side. Think positive. Just keep thinking positive. It's hard. I can give you advice, but I don't know what I'd do if I were in your shoes. Not knowing whether one of my parents will make it through another day... that's just not something I want to even try to understand. Not knowing if he'll ever come home. All I've got to say is that you're a lot stronger than I am. And just keep on being strong.