Apr 08, 2006 11:09
I met probably one of the dumbest people alive yesterday. First he started talking about my hair, and how he thought it was cool, and if he had it he'd get it permed. Then he asked me if I'm mixed, like half-white half-black. Because apparently I looked mixed?, which is odd because I always thought of myself as being about as blatantly white as you can get without skin-bleaching. Then he startd bitching about how he hated mixed guys because hi8s last girlfriend left him for one. It was almost painful not to point out that his girlfriend would probably have left him anyway because he was a fucking dim-wit.
In other news i picked up the Earthling? ep Disco Marching Kraft, and Sleep's Vol 1. I can safely say that Vol1 is not as good as Holy Mountain, it just sound to generic and/or unintelligable.