Friends Only

Apr 25, 2005 21:54

Draco says: No mudbloods. Purebloods only.

1. Comment saying you want addage.
2. Include a few interests you have with me, please.
3. If you don't get a comment back within a week or so, I'm most likely not gonna add you.
4. If you get a comment back... well, duh. I'm adding you.

1. You like my layout and think I'll make stuff for you.
2. You want to make your flist longer.
3. We have super conflicting views. (I.E.: you're a homophobic, you can't handle my political views, or my religion)
4. I'm farking serious. If we seem to have absolutely nothing in common and I feel you're just adding me for the first two reasons, I'll just ignore your request. I can't stand people who do that. I'm here to make really good friends, not mere associates.

1. I practice Wicca. And, no, I don't worship Satan. Chances are, if you're a complete Jesus/God/close-minded Bible-humper, we won't get along.
2. I honestly don't like annual depressants who talk about nothing but killing themselves. Every once in a while maybe, and mostly only if you're joking. That's good enough for me. I mean, I can't be a complete hypocrite. I've been known to let slip a few angsty posts, so I don't expect you to be cheerful all the time. That's why they're called moods.
3. A little respect goes a long way. You respect me, I'll return the courtesy.
4. I have no political stance. I'm not a republican, nor am I a democrat. I just post about what I think of our government. I don't choose sides.
5. I love Harry Potter... I sometimes devote entire entries to the subject. Oh, I do not ship anybody in the series. Don't attempt to convert me.
6. I love ASoUE. If you have no idea what that spells out to be, well, you probably have no business being on my flist. Unless you're willing to go the distance and figure it out. Again, entire entry devotion.
7. Star Wars is also love.
8. I so love people who have gone to grammar school.
9. I suck sometimes at commenting. Usually if you comment on my journal, I comment on yours. Keep that in mind and don't be all "GRR, YOU DON'T COMMENT! @#$$*@^$^#*@Y(@*!!!!! *removes from flist*"
10. I curse like a mutha fuckin' sailor/gangsta.
11. Lastly and most definitely important. This is my journal. I reserve the right to post whatever the fuck I want. If you decide to be a little asshole, I'll not only return the favor, but also delete you.

Hope you can handle all that.

But I do feel the need to add that I love making new friends, so, erm, don't let the bitchness of this post freak you out, okay? x_o; I'm just defensive about things and stand up for what I believe in. =D

my icons are here: genevacode
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