So its a Scion game they want....

Feb 07, 2009 02:11

A month overdue, but I finally posted here... tomorrow I will get game 2 up


World at Twilight Ep1 - A Visit withFamily

The first game was... well it started about 2 hours later then expected and I was ill prepared, so I winged it.

I had wanted to run this really cool and dramatic court scene... but my Boston Legal/CSI approach was met with confusion and limited conversation. The character were each placed in the court proceedings where I though I could get away with it. Alan is a DA so he was prosecuting. Jeff was a cop so he was giving testimony. Carlin was thrown into the Jury and Adam was giving an eye witnes account.

The trial was of Vincent "Vinny" Marcone for the sale / trafficing of a drug called Three Eye. This drug supposedly opens the third eye and allows magic to reshape the world more freely. Jeff was a New York cop that was in on the investigation of Three Eyes entrance into the US from Haiti. I had the DA approached by a 'gentleman criminal' named Joeseph Keller (he bought the DA's favorite restraunt; "I heard you liked this place, so I bought say it.") saying he knew what the DA was and he wanted to help, the Da of course left the valuable info behind. So when the trial started Joe hand delivered the note to him in court; a peice of paper with entwined snakes around a message "I know what yo are, don't put the cop on the stand." Which he did not.

Then the femme fatale took the stand; Hellen Gimmus had taken Vinney on a trip to Barbados during the alledge trafficing. The single discrepency was that she stayed with Vinny for a month, but their passports said they were out of the US for two, the part in which she was not with Vinny was when it took place... at this point (unkown to the group as they failed to notice) Joe Keller leaves the room and the trial wraps up as the jury is sent into deliberation.

An alarm sounds and the Jurors are rounded up into a special police transport (paddy wagon) and taken away. The court room doors become barred and a 4 giant snakes enter and divide the room and act as crowd control. Then a large boar comes in and charges Vinny. One of the charatcer tries totrip the thing with a chair... and one uses the flag pole as a spear. Jeff actually kills the thing, but not before it has gored poor Vinny.

It is at this point, I realize I have only a half hour and not  single visitation has taken place to awaken the character's to their heritage. SO, enter the Boargod. He has no name and only states that he is there to claim the godchild "DA." The players act together, the DA starts monolouging, distracting the boargod while Jeff and Adam launch their attacks.

The Boargod calls the snakes to wrap around his legs and arms, their heads dance near his own. He smacks Alan and incapacitates him with a solid backhand. Jeff impales him with the flag pole in the face (having thrown it) and Adam jumps on the pole, twisting it around trying to snap his neck... it fails and the Boargod would have turned him into a smear had it not been for his spontaneous emergance of Epic Stamina. Alan wakes up with his ichor fully energized and uses his Epic Charisma to charm the savage beast (which did not actually, happen, but I thought it would be a good story to let them think so). The boargod takes his dead pet back with it and fade away...

The jurours were taken to a warehose by a biker, who was in fact a modern centuar (half motorcycle /half man). They were gassed, but Carlin was able to resist the effects and surpise the biker. The biker shifted into his hybrid form and the battle was joined. The biker dropped a chainsaw from his town leathers an took a solid swip into Carlin, Carlin was able to use the tank of knock out gas as a club and scored a dramatic success on the bikerman, which ignited his gas tank and he exploded. Carlin passed out and was visited by his father, which saved his life. So at least I got one of my four visitations to work out the way I had hoped... kinda.

scion, actual play

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