Mar 13, 2011 21:40
You, Maxel, you know that I am very fond of you, and nothing can change that, but I must once and for all give you a basic scolding...
- Schrödinger to Born, regarding the probability interpretation of the wave function
... the quote sent me into spasms. So very cute, and leaves much room to the imagination.
Bought a netbook yesterday. It's a pretty champagne-gold, and it's so small and adorable that I couldn't help squeeing over it. The purple model was really lovely, but wasn't available at the show. A little sad, but we all agree that it'd be quite tiring to stare at so much purple for prolonged periods of time, so it was just as well.
I'm rather charmed by its lightness, really, considering that my notebook can weigh up to about 3kg (2.5 for the notebook, 0.5 or more for the charger). But the smallness of the screen can get a little frustrating at times-- I keep having to scroll up and down when I'm typing and it's disruptive. Still, I'm quite enamoured with it, and will probably spend more time with it once the semester's over. :3
I need to focus. FOCUS. Ideas for my ISM are running all over the place. DAMN WON'T YOU JUST KEEP STILL AND GET WRITTEN DOWN!