00 ⁂ OOC: April Plotting Post!

Apr 07, 2011 00:16

Kagerou (weaver_girl):

    1) Finish all the threads in the lantern log post. (Especially Lyle, and Rosalind. Roommate sleepovers get?)

    2) Have her get lost in the Attic Wilderness with 00. In this log: desert landscapes, Hollow/Arrancar/dead brother bad guys, plus whatever Eileen brings into the mix, triggering AT field and using Kagerou's tiny attack fairy properly for once.

    3) Have Gai tell her about the Library. He promised and she's coming to collect.

    4) Backlog Smoke, Kagerou and the bar when Jen gets off hiatus.

    5) Give her a herd of sheep to follow her home from the bar.

    6) Inflict her with an incurable urge to nap for a few days so she can try out how it is to have Axel's gift of sleeping anywhere for a while.

    7) PLAY WITH SOMEONE NEW. I love my current CR, but I feel a little entrenched.

    8) Maybe do dreamswap? Possibly as a means of engendering 7)? On the other hand, she will already have headtrip trauma in the Attic.

    9) ETA: Night shift at Medical with Stellaris, Paladin and Simon. With sheep.

Hawk (crimson_seeker):

    1) Finish current logs/threads in a timely fashion, e.g. sparring log with Daitou. Epic bromance log can take its time.

    2) Go exploring with Huo and Stellaris. Music Room/Movie Theatre/both get? Needs more plotting.

    3) Have him and Vimes talk more about Law and how Hawk might possibly join the Watch. It started as a throwaway idea but now I am trying to think of ways to make it happen. (Because while he's a good Guard, it was always the easy job option. Something different before the end would be nice.)

    4) Flying/happytimes dreamswap with Paladin. Because I want to play with Teg, mostly.

    5) Something something with Cloud? Needs plotting!

    6) Again, PLAY WITH SOMEONE NEW. For serious, people.

    7) Have him keep an eye on Huo when Huo falls asleep for a week, I guess?

    8) Give him his goddamn memory crystal I have had lined up for months. Have him stuck in drag for a few days because it is grand ES tradition. He'll be reasonably unbothered.

    9) Possibly? have him talk with Krile about how she pings him terribly.

    10) At some point, have him utterly freak out because his fingers are growing back. Would be nice to have a more science-oriented Medical person (like Stellaris? She's the easy option) to involve in this. Will gladly take volunteers?

!ooc: plotting

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