00 ⁂ OOC: How's My Driving?

Nov 09, 2020 15:21

Like my 'Hime? Hate my 'Hime? Please address any comments, concerns or complaints here. This doubles as a contact/plotting post, so if you want to run a plot idea by me, you're more than welcome to do so here. Whatever it is, I want to hear it. Just keep it civil, please.

Anon comments: enabled and screened
IP logging: off
PMs: welcome!


Threadjacking with this character? - Always welcome! The journals of Edensphere are a public venue, after all.

Backtagging with this character? - But of course. If you missed something but want to retroactively fix the oversight, chances are I'm game.

Hugging/kissing this character? - Kagerou's become somewhat more tactile thanks to a few formative experiences in the Sphere, so hugs, yes. Reactions may vary. She occasionally gets huggy with those people she trusts and likes, but strangers better be prepared for epic fluster. As for kissing-mentioned embarrassment times ten is imminent.

Romance with this character? - Case-by-case basis, please! I like to let relationships develop organically based on events in the game.

Injury/death to this character? - She isn't a fighter and is relatively easy to overpower physically. I'm up for getting her in scrapes, and if a suitable plot comes along, death is always a narrative option. Let's just talk it over first.

!ooc: permissions, !ooc: how's my driving?

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