Faydra wanted to cuddle all the way to school on the Cat Tran. Awesome.
Today the ROTC boys are climbing trees. Or trying to, anyways. They looked surprised when the weighted end of the rope wrapped around the branch instead of coming back down. Oh, one of them just hit themselves in the face with rope. I imagine this is how I look sometimes.
My hand spazzed out last night. I'm trying to be gentle with it, but I may have to scale down the embroidery project. This is okay since I have several ideas of modifications based on how I was doing for time. Still, ow.
2x 5 reps each side Turkish get ups 20lb
http://www.stumptuous.com/kettlebell-training-an-introductionThe woman demonstrating these techniques will blow your socks off.
2x10 reps each side 20lb weighted lunge
2x10 squats 68 lb
3x10 calf extensions
1.5ish miles run/walk. I still can't believe how poor a runner I am.
Mostly good about food. Cookie with lunch today; definitely part of the plan.