I'm rather impressed with today's haul from B&M. And I managed to get upstairs there too using the lift although we did have to enlist the help of customers as the door is very heavy and on the way down/out the chair wheels got caught in between the lift floor and lift ramp, a tiny gap but we were jammed! Much thanks to the ladies and gent who assisted 😊 The thing is last time I used the lift there I panicked. We couldn't get out of the top as someone (turned out to be my father) kept calling it so we couldn't get the door open and the lift was trying to go back down. So I was trapped in a tiny narrow lift with the open walls, horrible! Mighty proud of today's achievement 😊 And as for the bargains?! My carer and I were going around going look at that, and that, oh and that!! Thing is that I got what I wanted. I needed new storage baskets for under the sink, i
had also been looking for some months a vintage /french style frame for a plan I have. Not pictured but I got a white border with a glitter edge and glitter butterflies for 10p! No idea what I'm doing with it yet but at 10p I wasn't leaving it either 😁 The chalkboard planner was £2.99 too, I did extremely well and with a few food goodies it was still under £20!