Jun 02, 2017 01:47
Strange day, haven't felt well at all, thought it was physically due to the weather but then missed my going into an upper hypo* at 6.8. My diabetes is very odd indeed, 50% of readings go down After food not up. I need to be 11 bedtime not the normal 7, and 7 minimum brekkie not the usual 4. In the 7's i tend to feel slightly off, in the 6's I feel very poorly and foggy of thought. I also feel weird at the 11's too. At 8,9, i feel Awesome , at 10,12 + i feel pretty damn good 😁 I'm still taking blood from my arm (AST) a minimum of 6 times a day as I have to monitor carefully.
The term upper hypo is not official, a hypo is recognised at 4 and below but in the 6's I'm starting to get into trouble. I'm starting to be unable to function and this is dangerous. So because I was already feeling unwell, I missed the warning signs! This is potentially terrifying given the agencies severe fuck up the other week sending me then spiraling into hypo. A Direct result of their negligent behaviour 😡
type 1 diabetes,
agency 6,