Mar 28, 2017 00:49
Today was another day of mixed insulin dosage. I have now discovered how to check exactly how much is left in the pen, my education was lost in the surgeries panic of Type 1 Diabetes over several days and my own personal haze of "huh?" caused by the diabetes going undiagnosed for 5-6 months minimum. Anyway, 23 left in one pen after priming and 3 from the other. The other now has enough in one dose for tomorrow (plus primer) and then a partial for the next day. Tomorrow I go up to 28 units insulin. I started at emergency 10 and gone up by 2 units every three days. It was decided to be a slow start as I'd been so out for so long and as it was I physically reacted Superbly to the insulin. I am Still at that fabulous level of well-being despite the 5 day crash from the 3 days of stupid tablets.
type 1 diabetes,