I did not know this. So terribly sad from Germany, from the BBC report "as evening fell in Berlin, small candles were quietly lit and carefully placed in front of aged, stone doorsteps and along the darkening pavements.
Berliners were marking the anniversary of Kristallnacht (when Jewish people and their businesses were violently attacked in 1938).
It was barely noted amid the febrile howl of international reaction to the US election. Neither was the 27th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, which shares the same date.
But both events - and all that they represent of this country's past - explain, partially at least, why Germans were so repulsed by Donald Trump's election rhetoric and why so few (4% by one poll's reckoning) wanted him in the White House.
There is almost universal shock and horror here. Even Germany's foreign minister (who once described Trump as a hate speaker) could not bring himself publicly to congratulate him." My Gods, poor Germany 😢
Germany in shock