Destruction of Walk Of Fame star leaves Donald Trump down to his last six Horcruxes

Oct 28, 2016 22:16

I just love this News Thump report following the 'loss' of the Hollywood Star for dangerous pyscho Donald Trump 😊
Stabbing a copy of The Art Of The Deal with a Basilisk’s tooth is the next step to eliminating Donald Trump, according to experts this morning.

Donald Trump howled in agony and demanded a flask of serpent’s milk to help him recover some strength after the destruction of his first Horcrux on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame yesterday.

Trump, whose unusually-styled hair is believed to hide a face on the back of his head, is understood to have concealed fragments of his soul in multiple receptacles in an attempt to protect himself from defeat in the forthcoming election.

Read the rest of the News Thump article here.... Donald Trump definitely the next Lord Voledemort 😨

in the news, wtf, giggles, american presidential soap opera, harry potter

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