Unwelcome Night Visitor :-/

Oct 06, 2015 15:22

I don't quite know where to start with this. There have been many strange things seen and heard here, by myself and Many others. The one that has become deeply disturbing hit a new high last night. For me And 2 cats.
Around 15-18 months ago I started being woken occasionally at night by a white (it's now grey) misty/smokey flat disc floating up my body lying in bed, over my head before vanishing into the headboard. It became more regular, several appearances a month. I usually awake when it's over my hip, occasionally when it's reached my shoulder. I Always wake with a 'Nuhuh' or outright 'Argh'. At one stage it was triggering the bedside clock on a regular basis to bleep and change colour which it does when it's touched.
Once it came in contact with my mouth and it felt cold and wet, but my lips stayed dry. Though I was freaked to hell by that! Prior to that it always remained the same height over the bed/me sweeping Up the elevated mattress of the profile bed.
The last few weeks it's visits have increased with 4-5 a Week. Last night, dear Gods. Rosie has reacted to it before. Last night I was woken by Tobacco asleep on the bed giving out three anxious sounding groans straight after the other. I woke in time to find the misty disc coming up over my shoulder and gave a yelp. OK I thought I know I've Not been imagining it if two cats now have reacted. I fell asleep again. Only a little while later I was woken by Tom now on the bed giving out 3 or 4 distressed sounding miaows.... And found that the fkr had for the first time ever come twice in one night and now targeted a different cat. This was an "ARGH!" from me as it came up and over me Again and I was ice cold for ages from the shock.
I was wide awake 2hrs, Tom really upset and wanting fuss and I had a cuppa to try warm up. What the Fuck is this Fucker??
It's getting way more frequent and is now seriously spooking me. I play a natural sounds music app when I go to sleep and this is set to go off after around 20 minutes and often this is still playing upon my being woken up by this.
This little cottage has voices, ghosts seen by different people, ghosts heard by quite a few, some are like memories, others interact. White sparks were chased by cats and black blobs blocked out lights as they flew past. There is also an unusual very high pitched voice heard too by me, my mother and Tom and Rosie. None have Ever spooked me to serious ARGH levels. So what the Fuck is it and any ideas for dealing with it? Anyone....?

omg, house ghosts, wtf, house, cats, unsure, ghosts

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