How might I word this?? How might I sweetly and nicely write about the fact that my Mother bloody well Rang me At the exact moment the Spitfires went by?? Three seconds of video I got before it switched off to accept the incoming call! THREE seconds!! Argh!!
I'd been waiting over half an hour for the Spitfires, from just before 4pm to their actual arrival at 4.29pm and 30 seconds! I was straining to hear for them over the heavy drone of the harvesting going on nearby. The cats were tense, knowing I was tensely watching the skies. And then another drone filled the air, I was desperately scanning the skies, trying to see through the trees which direction they would be coming. Then.... Yes.... They're coming.... Camera ready to roll.... I hit record and there they were! 4 Spitfires over the way, flying majestically together but not near enough to see with the camera, as they disappeared behind a tree so did my camera's video as my mother rang! And the Spitfires appeared NEARER as they swung around then flew so beautifully past. A memory now full of frustration at the timing!
I asked why did you ring now? Turns out my father said the Spitfires wouldn't be going over mine! Cos of my location it was extremely likely they would *sigh*
Sods Bloody Law!!
Photo is dire! The smudge is the 4 Spitfires as they turned so are kinda sideways on. They were clear to the naked eye. After all I was hoping for more photo opportunities!