Jul 04, 2008 23:56
I picked this up after seeing other people on lj rave about it, and indeed, it’s excellent. Rather unusually, I enjoyed both storylines, although the two-stories-in-different-eras structure is one I usually don’t find engaging. I think it helped that Duey shows us points of contact between them early on, and that the chapters were so short, mostly only a few pages-more short vignettes than full chapters, so that I was never impatient to get back to the other storyline. It works well for the characterization, too, to get the characters in lots and lots of brief snippets of story.
The relationship between Hahp and Gerrard is lovely; I’m really looking forward to seeing where this is going. And Sadima is neither stupid nor a bottomless well of patience. Franklin I am fed up with, despite being fascinated by the dynamic of his relationship with Somiss, who is convincingly and idiosyncratically evil.
genre: fantasy,
author: kathleen duey,
series: a resurrection of magic