Sometimes spaghetti likes to be alone

Aug 13, 2011 08:36

1. Today I want to start with a poll to which there are no right answers; in fact, the only wrong answer might be thinking that there IS a right answer, but I've been curious as to what the results would be like, in response to a poll such as this. I wish there were a way for a broader sample of fans to answer it-- and also, it might be interesting to compare ratio results from Inception fandom and those from other fandoms. Anyway, as it is, it's just a small poll for people who happen to stumble across it, but I'd love to know what you think...!

[ETA] I have realized that this poll is even worse than I initially thought it was-- ahahaha if you haven't answered it yet, please don't agonize over the answers, as it is too vague and ill-planned to measure or indicate anything significant XD

Poll Ruthless radio buttons!

2. Look, crepuscular rays :D Actually they are kind of weaksauce, but they don't happen very often here, especially not during the daytime. I gotta take what I can get, you know. Who doesn't like crepuscular rays!

3. Recent media intake of various kinds (things I liked a lot get a ~star~ next to them, oh the unbearable prestige):

  • Captain America

  • Deathly Hallows take 2, Neville Longbottom and the Heavy-Handed Speech Crowning Moment of Awesome

  • The Good Wife*
    ALL OF IT. Of course, predictably enough, I love Eli Gold! But on the other hand, I feel like with the election storyline, the show sometimes forgot about its solid core, which is what made me fall in love with it in the first place-- that it's a story about women who recognize each other as fellow soldiers in a male-dominated world, not just the world of law but the world, and interact with each other in ways that are not always commendable or always cordial, but deeply different from the relationships they have with men. It's not a perfect show, of course, but no doubt I'll be eager to see what S3 brings *____*

  • Suits

  • The Surrendered

  • Big Night*
    dklskhla;gh I have been trying to watch this movie for years now, and only managed to succeed this week. It was as glorious as I hoped it would be, god stories about food and people who are passionate about food are so irresistible. ♥ To eat good food is to be close to God. And that scene where Phyllis and Gabriella talk outside! That has nothing to do with food but I loved it all the same.

  • Midnight in Paris*
    "If it's bad, I'll hate it because I hate bad writing. If it's good, I'll be envious and hate it all the more. [...] Writers are competitive." - Hemingway. There's more to say about this movie, but in the end, all the rest of the film could be utter shit and I would still love it for those lines. (Haha, can you imagine how much of a fucking kick Woody Allen got out of writing for Hemingway?)

  • Gödel, Escher, Bach
    keelain and jibrailis, I DID IT :'( I READ THIS BOOK AND I FINISHED IT. GOD IS IT LONG OR WHAT? Here's the thing, though-- it's definitely interesting on a conceptual level, and it ties together a lot of very salient subjects (obviously math, art, and music, but you also find bits in it that are completely relevant to in-characterness and out-of-characterness in fic, authorial intention, Dune parallels, and Hofstadter's own uncontrollable anger at literary translation, lolol). But Jesus fucking Christ, there is such a fuckload of number theory in this book. If you enjoy number theory, it will feel like a wonderful extended orgasm; personally, I... don't enjoy number theory. But anyway, it is a book in part about recursion, of course there are hilarious unintentional tie-ins to Inception!

    "No telling how long [...] we were in Tumbolia. It could have been moments, hours, days-- even years." This excerpt comes from a dialogue in which Achilles and the Tortoise keep going down further into stories within stories, and then after they've done that a couple times, they find themselves in a LABYRINTH.

    There can be fantasies within fantasies, thrice-nested fantasies, and so on. This means there are all sorts of "levels of reality" [...] when you pop out of a fantasy-within-a-fantasy, you are in a "realer" world than you had been, but you are still one level away from the top. THE TOP!
4. I'm not even sure what this is but it makes me happy to think of it l;ldkhg;lakhg

  • Arthur with Ariadne
    "Yes?" asked Ariadne.
    "Yes," said Arthur.

  • Arthur with Cobb
    "Yes?" asked Cobb.
    "Y-- n-- ugh, fine," said Arthur, "yes."

  • Arthur with Eames
    "Yes?" asked Eames.
    "No," lied Arthur.
5. It occurs to me that I rather enjoy an Arthur who is like a graphic designer in the employment of the mob: deservingly well-paid, underappreciated, self-righteous, anal-retentive, style-conscious, nitpicky, frustrated, downtrodden, exhilaratingly close to death at any moment.

writing is a product of anxiety, arthur stabs his salad, the tag for everything else

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