Jun 16, 2007 12:19
All this travel humding and hooplah seems to be very similar to false advertising.
(I had the best night's sleep of my life last night, besides the last time Tori and I went to the cheesecake factory. Twelve hours of pure, sleepy bliss. Aaaaaah.)
Here's what I am doing!
On Sunday I leave for New York to stay with Melissa Shacker to get my RTE (Responding To Emergencies) certificate so that I can work at my camp this summer. The course ends Wednesday, June 20th, whereupon I shall either IMMEDIATLY return here
go straight to Montreal because it's making more and more sense to just take a gosh darn bus. This way, I don't have to go all the way home and then all the way back up to Montreal and can just meet the other Montreal-ies up there.
I MUST be home from Montreal ON THE 23. So is it dictated by my mother, as she is having a second hip replacement surgery and would like me home for preparations.
I am home for the 24th.
On the 25th of June I leave for Staff Training week (more like four days), and I return on the 29th of June.
the FIRST TWO WEEKS OF JULY I am home. Here is when you and I will spend lovely times together, but keep in mind my mother will be recouperating from her surgery and I will be her part-time nurse, along with her sister, my aunt.
on JULY 15 I leave for the camp I am working at. I will not be anywhere NEAR home until AUGUST 4, at which point my family and I will embark on our yearly Martha's Vineyard trip. We will return home around the 20th of August, I presume, and the following days are devoted towards packing me up for college.
SEPTEMBER 1st is the first day of my four years at Sarah Lawrence.
Never fear, I shall come visit. In my book, "college" is not synonymous with "leave, Simba, and never return".