Jan 21, 2011 16:25
Its been a solid month since I graduated, maybe a week more. What a hellish month. I've been called childish, ignorant, stubborn, hateful, rude, and most painfully a second rate wife. Thankfully none of these names came from the one person who would of crushed me utterly by saying any of these things, but the mother of said husband. I understand not being happy, and taking it out on those you love. With that said however there are a few lines that once crossed you cant come back from. Well two weeks ago some of those lines were not only crossed, but were crossed and passed as if being chased by a bear. Yes, a bear. The worst part, it wasn't just said to me. While the second rate wife comment was said to me directly some of the name calling was said to my husband. Its been a tense situation since the blow up; what triggered all of this you ask? Simply I apparently dont do enough chores in the house, and my husband does not make time like he once did for his mother. Lets not forget the 1.5 hr drive to AND from work the man has, or the small business he runs, the wife, the dog, and any other amount of things on his plate. So ya, maybe I could do more around the house, but I refuse to pick up after a grown adult. I live in one room effectively, and I use a bathroom. Yes I could clean the bathroom but lets be honest, why does she use this one...? She has her own... Whatever im not gonna go into that one.
So I've started to look at houses. This is probably as terrifying as when I boarded the plane for London. Im excited, its something over due, but we really have been going about this I believe the right way. I finished school! Now we look at houses, so why is this a point of issue? We were all on agreement on this, that it was the best route. Apparently the in-laws are being judged for letting us mooch, never mind the rent of 500$ a month we pay them. Whatever, I digress. House hunting. Its a bitch. So I've started looking, done a number of walks, narrowing it down. Im excited I may have found one, but we shall see. Trying not to get too excited, it could all go terrible wrong... like a crack in the foundation. Or they wont come down on price, its just above what we can afford really. Just above. Ugh. So nerve wracking.
Ozzy tore his ACL- but is healing well now. Surgery sucked, but hes been a pristine patient. I know hes getting cabin fever though, hes so bored now that Ceaser's gone.
Let us please be gone from this horrid house by mid- March. I've never felt so like an inconvenience.