Feb 08, 2010 20:48
So I apologize to no one in particular who may or may not read this crap of a journal. I've been sick, and not like "I dont want to go to school or work so ill pretend to be sick" but the "I think that dark shadow in the corner is starting to take shape and I swear its staring at me" sick. It started Thursday with a rather annoying cough, by Friday afternoon I was doing everything in my power not to hurl. For those who know me and my never ending love of food, you will be shocked to hear that despite going out to dinner to the lovely Top Spice, I could hardly eat at any Roti, let alone real food. I actually had Matt pack my food up and take me home because the smell alone was making me spin. Here is where god hates me, on the way home some dumb ass (aka GA Driver) went and got himself killed on 575. So 2 hrs later we finally roll into the driveway. Im pretty sure my fever spike to 103 that night. The mattress was soaked the next morning. Thankfully Matt in his wisdom had me call out for Saturday when he saw I was not even looking at my food. Good things too, I think I was awake all of a few hrs that day. So this is where work can suck it. I warned my manager that I was running a fever and that if things didn't improve overnight it would not be a good idea for me to go into work on Sunday as well. "Well no one else has a key" umm my problem how? oh wait thats right, i dont have a Dr.s note because A) i hate them B) im poor and C) right to fire state. Well after much phone tag of me trying not to hack up a lung on the phone I finally am relieved of my duty all of an hour and a half before I need to be at work. So stripping down and promptly showering, I up chuck all of the yummy dayquil I just forced myself to take to go to work. I went back to bed and slept the entire time I should of been working. Now Its Monday, I didnt dare go to school, realizing how contagious I am. Poor husband. He went to bed at 7 hes so out of it. Luckily Im finally able to eat without loosing it 30 mins later. I realize thats kinda graffic but im passed caring. My back is sore from coughing so hard, I pulled a few muscles for sure. My entire throat is raw, my stomach is finally stopped churning, but is only tolerating liquids for the most part. Not to mention im still running a slight fever. Or at least it seems that way since im still sweating out everything im drinking. I've never been more afraid of dehydration before. Oh and lets not forget Im pretty sure my job is trying to find a way of letting me go now for calling out. Fuckers.