Fits of giggles...

Feb 14, 2006 01:01

Well boys and girls, i'm in the middle of a fit of giggles... so much so i'm tempted to go and see if steff is still awake to tell her about this.

earlier this evening, steff came to get me, she was a little concerned by the fact a boy... and i use this term on purpose, a boy had asked ot be her firend and blown her a kiss... she did not know him... she had never seen him before... he wasn't even friends with any of her friends yet he had crossed the line and done somthign he shouldn't

so she sent him a firm reminder that personal space does exist even on the internet... a public scrap....

buster or so i shall name him didn't like this scrap that made him look bad... 30 seconds later *poof* it was gone....

now, amusing though it is.. well to me anyways... you would expect it to be the end of the story... well boys and girls it most certianly was not.... buster had blatantly decided to go through steff's friends list and try it on with some of her friends... hense the reason why less than 2 minutes ago i get a friend request from buster... so i figure he could do with a little advise.

"Pull the other one
uh yeah... when a girl turns you down, don't go through her friends list and try it on with her mates... girls talk, remeber this piece of information and your life will be much easier."

buster didn't like that either and 30 seconds later, poof gone again, so boys and girls, i'm going to be the bitch post his addy and let you know about the guy who is basically trying it on with every female on Xuqa... have fun :)
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