Jan 01, 2006 18:17
Well here we are looking at another new year, like i said last night last year has gone way too fast i would do a years summery but it's all gone so fast i cannot remeber what happened when....
Today more than any other day i'm missing my gran, brownie as she was to everyone, even me and my brother.today is her birthday, and it's really weird not having her around for this... i'm really not good with this day anymore since she passed away. Newyears day is actually quite a non event, all the emphasis goes on last night and then you chill during the day, have a meal or somthing and enjoy the feeling of a new year, but with us, we had brownies birthday too.... so you didn't stay up too late coz we'd have big events ont he day as well for her....
Mum started talking about Allendale last night, it's a little town up north that still carries out it's coustom of chasing away the evil spirits on newyears night. All the men and older teenage boys put flaming tar barrols on their heads and runa round the outside of the village then bring them into the village centre and pile up a bonfire of all these flaming tar buckets and this cleases the town for the new year... brownie used to love it, she went several times... and we were always told we'd be taken but never were... i think i want to go and do that next year, for her.
really do miss her, but i do know she's looking out for us still, the other day when i went ot get my sewing machine taught me that more than normal, she knows i'm not frittering away my inheritance either, which came to me this year now i'm 21, well i can't, can i? if i blew it on somthing stupid she would have skinned me alive! loved her to pieces, but she was not someone to upset... hehe she was always really good with kids.
dunno why but i'm gonna dedicate this one to her
brownie 1906 - 2002, hope you know i'm trying my hardest brownie, love you lots, miss you too xxx
(To quote Greenday which was quoted by my Twinnie Ryan which sparked this all off - "It's somthign unpredictable, but in the end it's right, i hope you have the time of your life.")