Hurricane Tracking App...

Sep 08, 2008 03:08

nekopaws and I have been working together on a hurricane app for the iPhone. While it's not out yet, we anticipate being able to send it off to Apple for entry in the App Store hopefully by the end of the week. I have been providing and scrubbing the data, and she has been kicking some major butt in Objective-C. We have made some major strides in the 3 weeks we've worked on this project. Granted, we had most of the data because well, I keep track of the weather *ha*...

Anyway, keep your eyes peeled if you have an iPhone. I have been posting to my twitter account fairly regularly about the status, and even have some screen shots in there, however the screen shots are showing place-holder graphics in most cases. For this project we actually have an artist working with us to make it a beauty! No programmer graphics in the end here! So far what I've seen of the graphics, they look really smart! We've included some of what we've received from the artist, but more are to come.

*NOTE: This is just a small preview of what is to come :)

x-post: twc_aficionados

hurricane, apple store, iphone

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