Jan 08, 2005 15:32
I'm going to florida for the next ten days and i guess when i get back no one from college is gonna be here anymore, that sux balls but meh w/e may isn't that far away. Yet i do wish i didn't feel so much content with umass but i do i can't help it so w/e. Yeah so lately i've been doing good but then again i've also had my rough moments but i'm not gonna get into that right now. I guess i'm just posting since im not gonna post for a while, since i'll be in florida and then back to school when i get back. I wish i could take some of my advice sometimes but i see my advice for me as flawed and i don't know why i just do. Man i'm so torn apart inside over my life, i don't know where i want to be anymore everywhere seems so much better then where i am but in the end it's just the same. I think i'm just afraid of growing up i'm almost 19 and that scares the hell out of me i'm not ready to let go of my childhood, i'm not ready to say goodbye ti immaturity and stupidity. I'm not ready to let go of what i have become. I wish i could say what i want to say so bad, i wish i could just speak my mind and not be judged by what is said. w/e i'm out florida calls...