if you have a cellphone, you should tell me about it. it's my research, ok.

Dec 02, 2011 21:20

I might be getting a new phone for an early birthday present because the phone I currently have is a ginormous piece of shit. So bad. So bad that all the reviews online are like "HAHA WORST PHONE" and when you take it into Sprint, they're like, "HAHAHA SORRY" because there is nothing that can be done about it. I've only had the damn thing since the end of January and it's terrible. If it was just a problem with the apps or Android platform, I'd be okay and just deal with it. But it's now interfering with me sending/receiving texts and making/receiving calls which is WHAT A PHONE IS SUPPOSED TO DO.

So obviously what I get will be up to what my parents are willing to spend and I don't know what that is yet. And we will likely stay with Sprint because we get a discount and I like their service, I just hate this phone. BUT. I'm willing to listen to any advice you guys have even if it's with another carrier. And I'm trying to be diligent about researching this shit because, admittedly, I was not the last time.

So. If you like your cellphone, rec it to me. If you hate it, tell me what to avoid. I'm cool with Android, iPhone, etc. whatever so have at it. I'd tell you not to rec the Samsung Intercept to me but they don't even sell it anymore because it is SUCH a piece of shit.

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