Yuletide letter!

Nov 16, 2011 17:00

Dearest Yuletide Author,

Hello! Welcome to my journal. Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable. I've got good news for you: I'm really easy to please. Yes, I have my likes and dislikes, but for the most part I'm just happy to get a gift from you.

Most importantly, THANK YOU. Thank you for taking the time out of your life to participate in the exchange and to write a fic for me. Time and creativity are a precious gift, and I so appreciate you sharing them with me. Thank you!

So, on to fandoms & more --


Characters Requested: Nolan Ross, Amanda Clarke/Emily Thorne

I love how twisty, turny and crazy this show gets so feel free to go as twisty and turny as you want. I would be happy to see any fic focusing on Nolan alone, or just Emily, or Nolan and Emily as partners, friends or... more. If you need a jumping off point, maybe either what happens between the flashback in the pilot and the actual pilot, if there is more of that relationship explored in the interim. Maybe future fic with how one or both of them cope with the aftermath of all the scheming. Or them on the run from the law. Or revengin' things all over the world. Or just general backstory for either Nolan or Emily. We already know a lot about Emily pre-series, but not a lot about Nolan and I would love to see that explored as well - where he came from, who his family is, how did he meet David Clarke, etc. I do ship Nolan and Emily, but it's cool if you don't as I enjoy all aspects of their characters and the relationship between them, so I'll be happy with just gen fic or scheming partners or whatever you come up with. And feel free to throw in other characters wherever you see fit.


Characters Requested: Cassie Holmes, Nick Gant

I just want awesome Cassie and Nick going on adventures, running from the bad guys, looking for her mom, and being awesome together fic. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK? I just love the dynamic between these two characters and would be fine if you included other characters as well (like Hook or Pinky). Not a big fan of Kira but I understand she's sometimes necessary to make the plot work. Would love to see some stuff that takes places years after the film with Cassie all grown up and even more badass than ever before. I do ship Nick/Cassie, but understand it's not for everyone. Just letting you know I would not be opposed to it if you choose to go down a romantic path with them.


Characters Requested: Mark Renton, Simon "Sick Boy" Williamson, Spud, Diane

I could only nominate four characters, so alas, no Begbie, but feel free to throw him in if you're feeling ambitious. Now, this is the part where I admit that I have not actually read the sequel to the book. Just the book. Years ago. So this is a nomination for the movie because the movie is my FAVORITE. (I mean, it is literally in my top 5 favorite movies of all time.) Feel free to write whatever inspires you, but I would love to see a fic that takes place 5-10 years after the movie in which Renton must return to Scotland for some reason. I'd love to track where all these characters will be in the future. Feel free to go totally non-shippy, but if you want to go shippy, I would not be opposed to Renton/Sick Boy or Renton/Diane.

A C R O S S T H E U N I V E R S E - B E T H R E V I S

Characters Requested: Harley, Kayleigh, Amy


Though if you are my Yuletide author and you somehow (miraculously) matched me on this fandom, you already know that. I was just clarifying for everyone else. Anyway. I have a few thoughts on this one. I'd love to read a fic about Kayleigh, either just a gen character piece that gives more about who she was and what happened to her. Or a Kayleigh/Harley fic about their relationship. I feel like it wasn't a huge part of the book, but it was a compelling part of it so I'd love to read more about them. Also, character studies on Harley or Amy would be just fine as well. Or even something about Amy, perhaps more of what was going on in her mind while she was frozen, or even pre-series stuff about her life on Earth. And though it's nearly impossible to make it work in canon, I would not be opposed to Harley/Amy fic either. So basically ... I WANT SOMETHING. ANYTHING. I'M NOT PICKY. (And it's not that I don't like Elder, I just feel the other characters have so much more story to mine from. So you can include Elder or other characters, of course. I'd just prefer the focus be on at least one of the three requested people. Yay!)

L I K E S / D I S L I K E S

Likes: AUs, tropes, crossovers, snark, banter, adventure, awesome people being awesome, ladies who are badasses, darkfic is fine, so is not-darkfic as long as it isn't like puppies/kittens/rainbows, anything rated G through NC-17 so go wild there if you want, uhh... most things. I am the worst at this.

Dislikes: Non-con or dub-con, mpreg, not really super kinky but I'm also not a prude, so, yeah, I really am the worst at this part.

If you have any questions about specifics or need to know about a thing that I haven't mentioned here, please feel free to send a PM to galfridian and she'll be able to answer any questions for you. :) Also, feel free to stalk my LJ, my Tumblr, my fic journal or my Twitter if you think it will help.

Thanks again and happy Yuletide!
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