Introduction and a question!

Aug 30, 2006 15:36

Hi! I'm Aiko, 31 years old... I ADORE Harry Potter (my son got me into it... we read it together as family activities) I've only recently begun to knit using a loom, and I was wondering if anyone might have any good resources for knitting quidditch (or other) HP sweaters for knitting looms? I haven't even tried needle knitting yet, as I'm certain I'll be a pathetic loss at it (I've also failed to learn how to crochet, and in fact seem to have a block against it!) So here's hoping someone A. knows what loom knitting is, and B. can point me in the right direction. Thanks, and hopefully everyone will have a lovely day!

loom knitting, pattern/technique question, quidditch, pattern search

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