Fic: Ingenious Virtue

Aug 19, 2013 21:15

Title: Ingenious Virtue
Author: primeideal
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 45,000
Characters: Percy/Oliver, Fred, George, minor character ensemble.
I choose not to warn, but please see spoilered warnings on the "original post" if interested.

Summary: Consigned from the life of a slave to fighting in vicious bloodsports, Percy Weasley has no idea what lies in wait. Everything from a surprising family reunion to a mysterious old book brings a change from the normal routines of slavery, but perhaps it's Oliver Wood who has the most to teach him about life, death, and everything in between.

Author's Note: This was written for the "2013 Summer of Slaves" fest at HP Owned on Livejournal. The prompt I claimed was "Any setting (magical or non-magical, AU or canon) with a slave fighting ring. Masters use their slaves as fighters for their amusement, including betting, tournaments etc." I was ambivalent about some of these tropes and even the pairing, at first. Then I started brainstorming all the different directions I could take it. And it's hardly an exaggeration to say that this fic ate my brain. Many thanks go out to the original fest mods for their gracious extensions, and to the amazing starduchess for an incredible betaing job. Any remaining errors are of course my own.

I just saw that this community was trying to get back up off the ground, so I hope you enjoy!

Original Link, also on Ao3 and FFN (updates Mondays).
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