Jun 25, 2005 22:42
Twelve movies I love:
01) Back To The Future
02) Pirates of the Carribean
03) Breakfast Club
04) 16 Candles
05) You've Got Mail
06) Rocky Horror Picture Show
07) Star Wars
08) Harry Potter
09) Lord Of the Rings
10) Ferris Beauler's Day Off
11) Dogma
12) Indiana Johnes
Eleven good bands/artists:
01) Green Day
02) Fall Out Boy
03) Dashboard Confessionals
04) Motion City Soundtrack
05) Brand New
06) Action Action
07) Bright Eyes
08) The Ataris
09) Weezer
10) The Beatles
11) Death Cab For Cuties
Ten good songs: from the artists listed above
01) She- Green Day
02) Dance, Dance- Fall Out Boy
03) Jamie- Weezer
04) My Favorite Accident- Motion City Soundtrack
05) First Day of My life- Bright Eyes
06) A Movie Script Ending- Death Cab For Cuties
07) I'll Remeber You- The Ataris
08) Jaws Theme Song- Brand New
09) Yesterday- The Beatles
10) Brown Eyed Girl
Three celebrities that are cool:
01) Johnny Depp
02) Eddie Izzard
03) Rupert Grint
Two people on lj that you have kissed:
01) none
02) none
One person you could spend the rest of your life with:
01) my soul mate, who i dont know yet
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. Money
2. My Fender
3. New Clothes
4. Something to do
Name Four Scents You Love:
1. Men's cologne
2. CK1
3. Roses
4. fresh air
Name Four People That Know You the Best:
1. my mother
2. Jamie
3. Cindy
4. Sam F
Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
1. skutty shirts
2. slutty skirts
3. slutty pants
4. shorts
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. how much Fall Out Boy kicks ass
2. getting a new dress for sweet 16s
3. how tired i am
4. wishing i had something better to do
Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. danced to music
2. picked out paint chips with grandmother
3. made tea
4. went to Dan's family shindig
Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. CD
2. shirts
3. food
4. nothing else really, cause im broke
Name Four Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like:
1. The Beatles
2. John Mayer
3. Goo Goo Dolls
4. Some heavy Metal Bands
Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. Pepsi
2. Coke
3. Snapple
4. Water
First Grade Teacher's Name?
Mrs. Swebupwrgbwerpb (i dont remmeber how to say/spell it)
Last Words You Said:
Mom, I'm home
Last Song You Sang?
Brown Eyed Girl
Last Person You Hugged?
Last Thing You Laughed At?
Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It?
To my mom lol
Last Time You Cried?
Hmm, a couple of nights ago
What's in your CD player?
Fall Out Boy
What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
black with blue skulls
What's Under Your Bed?
another bed
What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
Current Taste?
Current Hair?
Current Clothes?
my green fairie shirt and jeans
Current Annoyance?
my father telling me to go to bed
Current Longing?
go out and do stuff tomorrow
Current Desktop Picture?
Green Day
Current Worry?
That Dan's family acually hated me today
Current Hate?
Some people who bother me
Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex?
Favorite Physical Feature Of The Same Sex?
Last CD You Bought?
Fall Out Boy's new cd
Last DVD you bought?
Eddie Izzard <33
Favorite Place To Be?
Walking around town with friends or the park with Dan
Least Favorite Place?
Home with nothing to do, and school
Time You Wake Up In The Morning?
whenever i have to, cause its SUMMER BABE!!
If You Could Play An Instrument?
I'm attempting to play guitar, but i suck
Favorite Color?
blue and beurgendy, though i like light greens as well
Do You Believe In An Afterlife?
i like to think there's something for my soul to do once im dead, other then bothering my living buddies
How Tall Are You?
Current Favorite Word/Saying?
Favorite Season?
One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To:
Guy from middle school who shall remain nameless but most people know who im talking about
Favorite Day?
Where would you like to go?
What Is Your Career Going To Be Like?
I want to be a writer, so i can help people learn through reading and make money to travel and such. Or a counselor who writes in her spare time.
How Many Kids Do You Want?
Not quite sure, but id like to have a pair of twins
Jack or Elijah for a boy. Sidney or Elizabeth for a girl.
Favorite Car?
I like the mini cooper
A Random Lyric: "I found the cure to growing older
And you're the only place that feels like home
Just so you know, you'll never know
And some secrets weren't meant to be told
I found the cure to growing older
I'm the first kid to write of hearts, lies, and friends
And I am sorry my conscience called in sick again
And I've got arrogance down to a science
Oh, and I'm the first kid to write of hearts, lies, and friends"
-Fall Out Boy