The heater men have given us heat!! It's sooooo good- Allan and Jane are colder than me so the heat's up right now, and i'm sittin' around in a t-shirt! A t-shirt baby! Go the affluent Westerner.
Watched Supersize Me again and found a whole hour of extra footage. It freaked me out a bit to learn that Americans who buy at McDonalds generate enough garbage to fill the Empire State Building every day. Dude- every single day. And that's just McDonalds- what about Taco Bell and KFC and Pizza Hut and Wendys? Fucken' Hell.
My brain was fried after 4 hours of sleep, so I went back to bed at 1pm and slept until 3:30pm, which bothers me because I don't know how far into the night/early morning it will be before I get tired :/ I really enjoyed being up at 8am- despite my brain being fried. I want to go to bed early, but seeing as how it's 9pm and it feels like lunchtime, I doubt it.
Happy happy..... I want to say something a bit more cheerful, I feel my journal has been a bit whingey lately. Oh, I did a friends cut last night- so if you're reading this: