May 01, 2006 13:53

So saturday i believe the 29th of april was a most of interesting days....starting with the beginning all the way to the end. And here it goes....

Rob and i leave at 8 in the morning to go and help brian move his shit out of his dorm. We get there, and brian is still in his bed, under the covers mind you. I say jokingly "i hope hes not naked" rob then RIPS off the covers and brian has boxers on, but his entire junk is hanging out the bottom. SWEET JESUS I SAW MY BOYFRIENDS LITTLE BROTHERS PENIS. How is one to react to such a thing? I stood there, in shock as i covered my face. The worst part was, i think i was the most embarassed out of anyone. But it was the joke of the day between the three of us, i am still a little disturbed, but a funny story none the less.

We get to travis, ryan and chris's house in a mad hurry because we are under the impression we are leaving at 11:15. We get there about 11:15 on the dot when everyone then announces they still have to go to publix. A couple of us sit around and wait. I make it a POINT that i don't want to be in the car with james, but of fucking course I am stuck in james car. The trip up wasnt bad, a little cramped, but not bad. We get to bear paw, its very cloudy, but looks as if sunshine could be a possibility.

After we get our shit together we end up on the river at last. I was excited so i jumped right in the water, unphased by the cold as everyone else seemed to be, so i was swimming and dragging everyone out of the trees and such. A good time was being had by all. I am not exactly how it happened, i think rob said he would paddle us around for a while, so i was like k cool. AS SOON AS I STOPPED PADDLING my body temperature dropped 20 degrees. I had unctrolable chills and basically i was miserable. My nails had turned blue and my knees and elboes the same. Rob then had to perform as jack did on the titanic and put my up on a door and bring me to safety as he suffered through the water.

Somehow it ended up being rob, mava, me and james. Well mava was pulling james around as he bitched as normal. He was pissed that everyone else was behind us laughing and having a good time, as one should be. Fuck having a good times, thats for fucking retards. Well, he was supporting two of the coolers, and being the immature fuck that he is kicks them away and laughs. Mava was like, uhh you are getting those right? And he said a few cute choice words that in most countries would result in one being hung, and kicked away from the 3 of us and sped off.

We decide to get to shore as quickly as possible. We get there in about a little under an hour since james left. He was in the car like a little baby crying. Rob and i go to the bathroom where we see brandon all by his lonesome. The 3 of us walk back where james is screaming at mava. COOL. About 10 minutes later, the rest come back. We are taking a little time getting into the car. There is 14 of us, and about 10 are drunk. We finally do, thank god rob takes the keys. James said something along the lines of "lets fucking go, jesus everyone is fucking stupid" so at that point i snapped. I screamed at him for about 5 minutes...i think it went like "james calm the fuck down. these are your friends you are fucking ripping on. its your fault that you took off and left everyone behind and had to sit here by yourself so shut the fuck up". matt and kristin laughed for the rest of the way to ruby tuesday. we ate, and left, and james was screaming at mava again. COOL. we drive home and rob sits up front because rob is the only one that can ever calm james down. We are about a little over half way when the car breaks. YAY FUN. James acts all cool until we pull over and he can't get a hold of his parents, so he threw his phone and broke it. YAY. We waited, and nick saved us THANK GOD.

At the end of the day, i've realized a few things. Be careful when your boyfriends brother is sleeping, he could be naked, wait until june to go to bear paw, and that i hate james more then anyone i have ever hated and that he sucks at being a person.

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