Apr 05, 2005 09:58
Shrek 2:
Saw this awhile back but have to say that it's a wonderfully, cute movie much in the same vein as the orginial. So if you saw and liked the first one, you'll probably like this:)
The Merchant Prince-Capital Offense-By Armin Shimmerman
I finished reading this one, third and supposedly final, in the series. I think was at a disadvantage reading it because I didn't really remember the plot in great detail from the first two books but knew enough not to be totally confused:) It's an interesting read. Probably my favorite is the interaction between the three main characters-John Dee, Kelly Edwards, and d'Winter.
For those who don't know what the books are about...bascially John Dee gets plucked out of Elizabethan England by an alien race and put into a future moment in Earth's history. It's great listening to him speak in the Elizabethan tounge. But of course trouble ensues when you've got some of the aliens wanting to destroy Earth... Although this can't be too far in the future if they are bandying terms about like Patriot Act and "enemy combatant."
Although, I still have to admit, its a tad creepy that John Dee on the cover has Armin Shimmerman's face LOL! But don't get me wrong...Armin Shimmerman was great as Quark on Deep Space Nine!!!!!
Actually didn't end the way I thought it would, not a bad thing though, but I think I might have enjoyed the first two more than the third...