Mar 19, 2005 08:13
I really shouldn't read this stuff cause I just wind up getting....annoyed....
Well I won't use names to protect the guilty but...
"XXX said that he was sorry he had been unable to provide more insights into the minor characters of the series, stating, "I wish we had time to develop things for Anthony Montgomery and Linda Park. You basically need to focus on your main characters and sometimes that happens to the detriment of some very talented actors who have less crucial roles on the show."
My notes: Okaaaaayyyyy. *Scratches head.* Then why was TNG, DSN, and Voyager all able to develop characters and plot lines for their entire cast? My apologies to Montgomery and Park because as a viewer I was interested in their character development and am sorry that certain others didn't think so! Since when are they not main characters? Heck, in the other shows even the semi-regular cast members got plotlines to develop! Less crucial roles? This is why some of the actors are happy to move on!
Oh...and what a comfort to know that the series finale (if the rumors are true) was actually taken out of the dust from the possible ending of last season if they were cancelled. So it is not a new script. Not that it necessarily has to be a new script, but considering rumors, um... a new script would be nice LOL:)