Mar 18, 2005 15:20

Okay my friend Georgia http://www.livejournal.com/users/winding_path has asked me some questions which I need to respond to but am in a hurry today so I'm posting this to remind myself to answer the questions and update this page:)

Questions for Lily. . . .

1. Describe your perfect ending for Enterprise.
2. If you had to date a character from Harry Potter who would it be? Why?
3. What was the best play you've seen in the last three years?
4. When you're having a bad day, what brings you out of it?
5. What's at the top of your "Someday I'm Going To . . . " list?


1) Describe your perfect ending for Enterprise.
Well with as much as I've complained about the rumors for the series finale, you'd think I'd have a better idea than "let's get Trip and T'Pol to admit how they feel about each other and become an item" LOL:) But this is an ensemble show and not just the Trip/T'Pol show so here's what's currently been jostling around in my brain LOL. (This also comes out from the realization that there is actual cannon evidence that I had forgotten about so that it could be argued that Archer and T'Pol have a thing for each other-which has been undercut now by the whole current Trip/T'Pol action)
Might do a post about that later Please note that this idea could change at any time LOL
Brief sketch not filled out... Set years into the future right before the decommissioning of Enterprise. Harris from Section 31 makes good on his promise to Malcolm that no one walks away from them. Harris puts Malcolm in a “do this or your friends get it” situation. Malcolm is torn. Trouble ensues which winds up with Trip’s death. Malcolm is guilt ridden. Before Trip dies in T’Pol’s arms they admit how they feel about each other. (Yes I know this sounds scarily like rumors but wait!). So flash forward years later to crew has for the most part gone their separate ways although have kept in contact. Malcolm resigns from Starfleet, Hoshi teaches languages at Starfleet Academy (hmmm…not sure how to work in any Malcolm/Hoshi here LOL cause I just don't see her hiding out with Malcolm but maybe!). Phlox goes off to accept that head of something that was offered to him in one ep. Travis continues in Starfleet and gets promoted. Archer becomes an admiral and eventually retires, or has some illness like in Twilight, in San Fran. T’Pol works for Starfleet but stays on Earth to be near Archer. Really there's nothing for her on Vulcan anyway. As the years have progressed their friendship has deepened into love (can’t decide if married or just “really good friends” if you know what I mean. Basically finding comfort from each other over the loss of Trip). Anyway, somehow they realize Section 31, or that Daniels and the time police thing, was messing with the timeline something or other, and realize Trip shouldn’t have died and might be a way to reverse it! The old crew gets back together to change time and bring Trip back. Archer/T’Pol angst over, well if we change time this timeline will change, and both realize will accept it to bring Trip back. Ummm…is successful and brings Trip back to life. This time T’Pol gets hurt saving Trip but lives, Trip admits how he feels, T’Pol feels the same way. Now as if timeline has changed (no one realizes any change has been made) and it is time for Enterprise to head home to be decommissioned. Last scene everyone on bridge and Archer says something profound and moving, much in the same way as Sisko’s speech at the end of DSN or Picard’s one liner at the end of TNG. I know…lots of gaping holes but it’s my current idea on how to rewrite the end of the show and have lots of angst shippyness LOL! And of course get Trip and T'Pol together;)

2. If you had to date a character from Harry Potter who would it be? Why?
Umm.., assuming they were older or I was younger LOL, it’s a hard choice between Ron and Neville but I’m going to go with Neville for right now even though I love Ron too LOL Neville is just such a sweet and sensitive person (unlike Ron who tends to be somewhat thick at times LOL) Neville knows the value of the small things in life, he’s loyal, trusting, brave, and hardworking. He’s a true friend and knows the importance of family. I just have these pictures in my mind of Neville putting the gum wrappers from his Mom in his pocket or him bursting in to save Harry from the Death Eaters and my heart just melts

3. What was the best play you've seen in the last three years?
Well I haven’t seen any bad ones but my favorite was Much Ado About Nothing at the Shakespeare Theater. I just love the play and was so worried, after my experience with Harry Hamlin playing Henry V, that this would never compare to the movie and I would keep wishing that Kenneth Brannagh and Emma Thompson would show up. I didn’t lol! It was simply wonderful I loved it just as much as I did the movie They even had their, I forgot what you call it but the person who stands in when the lead is out, play Claudio and he did a wonderful job. There was just so much chemistry on the stage it was great and I thoroughly enjoyed myself as much as the actors did. Also loved when they were taking their bows the actor who played Benedick scooped the actress who played Beatrice up in his arms and carried her off stage!

4. When you're having a bad day, what brings you out of it?
Hmm..tough question. I don’t think it’s any one thing. I told you and Joan the story about how I was having a bad day one time and I got home to find that answer to my letter from Stephen Snedden. Definitely cheered me up! I think what cheered me up was the thoughtfulness of it. But have consulted sibling who says that dancing and music bring me out of funks LOL.

5. What's at the top of your "Someday I'm Going To . . . " list?
Well off the cuff I’m going to say going to England and just explore all the places my favorite writers have been or written about like Shakespeare, Austen, Collins, Doyle, etc…and of course take in a play by the Royal Shakespeare Company. And next to that on the list I’m going to say write a novel. It’ll be tough since I’m not really use to writing original fiction but I just think it’s something really cool. I love the idea of touching people though writing. I love the immortal idea of the written word (since a lot of the authors I like are deceased) in that what was written before can still touch a person today.

And, by the rules of the game, next three people to ask me for questions get them:

1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.


2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
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