Title: Fan Girls, Lend Me Your Ear…
luvscharlieFandom: Harry Potter
Pairing(s): Percy Weasley/Audrey Wickersham
Word Count: 5,063
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Percy has heard stories… and he's not too happy about it.
Warnings: So. Much. Crack.
A/N: Well, I'd thank my betas, but I frankly don't remember who they were for this fest-- clearly, a sign I do too many fests, yeah? Audrey's last name is stolen from the movie Horton Hears a Who.
This was so much fun once it got started. Also, I had no idea how much I rely on non-verbals until I decided to try writing a fic where there are none. Totally different writing style than I've ever tried, but I was actually very pleased with the way this one turned out.
Originally written for
eruditefics's request at the 2010
hp_canon_fest Fangirls, Lend Me Your Ear…