I like this survey!!!

Sep 12, 2004 23:17

Time Begun: 11:24
Name: George
Birthday: August 17th, 1987

******************Have you ever******************

Been Kissed: yes
Done drugs: yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: yes in one sitting
Eaten sushi?: YES!
Been onstage: Do you know me?
Has anyone ever been unfaithful to u?: YES!!
Gotten in a car accident: Nope!
Watched Punky Brewster: Nope!
Watched the Smurfs: Uh, YEH!!!
Hiked a mountain: Yep!
Stayed home on a Saturday night, just because: Sure!!
Seen the White House: On the tele!!


Cold or hot: Hot shower, cold weather
Blue or Red: Blue!!
Rain or snow:Both
Give or receive: GIve,Give,Give
Wool or cotton: Cotton
Rose or daisy: niether really but at the same time both!
Private school or public school: Definatley Public!

Chocolate milk or plain milk: I love regular milk!!
Celsius or Fahrenheit: Fahrenheit
Spring or fall?: All about the Fall!
History or Science?: history!!!!
Math or English: Math
Alternative or Country: Alternative!!!

******************Opposite sex******************

Do you like someone right now from the opposite sex?:YES!
Do they know?: I think so!
Does anybody like you right now?: Prolly not, but do I care?? Not really!
What do you look for in a woman/man?: Preety eyes, sense of humor, and a good personality!

****************Your Friends******************

Who's your funniest friend?: no-one is funnier than me!!!!Well I guess a close 2nd would be, Barbara!!!
Who makes you laugh/smile the most?: Amara!!!
Who do you e-mail the most?: I have only written one email since I have had the internet back, and that was to Amara!!
Who's the loudest?: Well next to me, um....I'm unbeatable!!
Who's the shyest: I would have to say, Amara and Katie. Not around me but around others!

Whose parents do you know the best?: Josh and Amra's(mom) equally!! Oh and Katie's parent!
Who has the best room?: I love Amara's room! It is so kewl and different! And Katie's is so clean!
Would you ever go out with one of your friends?: YES!

**************Within the last 24 hours**************

Had a serious talk?: Sure!!
Hugged someone?: Yes!!!
Gotten along with your parents?: NOPE!!!
Fought with a friend?: Nope!!!

**************Do you like to******************

Give hugs?: Yes!
Give backrubs?: I am the best at giving backrubs!! Right Amara????
Take walks in the rain?: HECK YAY!!!
What color is your floor/carpet in your room?: whitish!
If you chew gum, what kind?: Spearmint
What did u do last summer?: WORK, Beach-house, then more WORk, then some drama stuff, then more WORK!!bleh!

*************About You******************

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Nicknames: George Michael Weasley,George Wealsey,Weasley,Mr.Papageorgio,and of course, GEORGIE!
EyeColor: Hazel
Skintone: Italian, so, OLIVE OIL!!

**********Which one of your Friends????************

Is most likely to grow up to be a model: me! No but really, Josh!
Which one knows most about you: Amara!
Is most likely to become a comedian: Barbara
Have you known the longest: Amara, and Katie!
You know most about: Amara,Josh, and Katie!
Bestfriends: Josh,Barbara,Katie,Amara,Jessica


Food: Italian food and mexican food
T.V. Show: Rosanne, will and grace, friends
Drink: Vanilla Bean Frappaccino, and Moutain Dew: Code Red!!
Movie:notting hill,about a boy,fight club,two weeks notice,where the heart is, and girl inturruped.

Actor/Actress: julia roberts and sandra Bullock
actor: Hugh Grant
Restaurant: Estabans,Taco Bell, and Angelos
Place to be: rehersal, drama room, auditorium, out with friends
Song: too many to tell you!
Singer/Group: same answer as above!
Sport: drama is my thang!
Color: blue
Candy: sour patch kids!

***********Have you Ever******************

Been to a concert: YES!
Been in a different country:YES!
Loved someone so much it made you cry:YES!
Cheated on a test:YES!
Bought something and then saw it cheaper somewhere else:YES! MUCHO ANNOYING!
Stole from somewhere or someone:YES!! SORRY! AND SHAMEFULLY!
Stalked someone:OH YES!! DEFINATELY!!!
Played strip poker: YES ONCE!


Single or taken: Single!
If single, are you looking for someone?: SURE!
Who was your biggest crush: NO ONE!! WHAT"S A CRUSH?!?!?!??!?!?
If you could go out with anyone who would it be: Julia Roberts!!
Have you had a lot of bf's/gf's: YAY! But it was stupid and in Intermediate schoo!!
Have you ever had an online relationship?: HAHAHA!!!! HECK NO!
Longest relationship?: 1 year off and on!


What is your worst habit: Playing with my hair!
What gets you really mad: Stupid People!
Scariest moment:Almost drowning at Shclitterbahn!!

Happiest moment:My most recent is getting a good part in, "A Christmas Carol"
Do you curse too much: Not Really!!
What do you feel about homosexuals: We live in a free country!!
Would you ever be a homosexual: No Thanks. I would still be friends witha homosexual though!!
Do u dress like a slut/prep/snob/sporty/or just plain normal: I put on whatever I touch first!! I don't care about style!! OK?!?!?!?!
Are you a hottie with a body or a cutie with a booty: What do ya'll think!!
When was the last time you showered?: This Morning!
What color pants do you have right now?Black PJ pants with smily face on them!
What song are you listening to right now? I dont know someone's xanga song is stuck on my computer and it wont go away!!
What is the last thing that you said?: LOL hahahahaha to Kamerra on I.M.

What is right next to you?: a chair
What is your computer desk made of?: wood
What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?: XXXX
What was the last thing you ate?: A salad!!
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Blue!!
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: That special someone!!!
Do you have a lava lamp?: YES!
How many buddies do you have on your list?: Mine was deleted so I only have 42! :(
How's the weather right now?: HUMID!! UHG!! NASTY!!
What did you do last night?: i hung out with Amara and Barbara
Last person that you talked to on the phone? Katie
What's the nicest thing you find about the opposite sex?: eyes and sense of humor!!
Who do you apreciate most?: melissa&melanie mcintyre,Crystal Dudley, and my friends!
What is the nicest present you've gotten this year?: NO idea. ALthough I loved Katie's goodbye gift!!
How do you eat an OREO?: enhale it!!!
Fav M&M?: green and blue!
What makes you happy?: friends, food, music, theatre, tech work!! I concur Lauren!
Fave CD?: Too many to say!!
Who are you thinking of right now?: I hate this survey! & When will this be over!?!
If you could go anywhere in the world right now where would you go?: London,Paris, Rome, and Australia
Do you want to have kids when you grow up?: YES!
What do you want to name your children?: Grace, Faith, Chance, and George!!LOL!!!
Who means the most to you in your life right now?: My Friends!!
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