Keep up to date on the LATEST FILMS with Sean (dieterCREST) and Ned (SPWeasle)
SPWeasle: shark boy and lava girl, the adventures of, in three dee
SPWeasle: Someone needs to stop giving that guy money to make movies
dieterCREST: I fucking hate Roger Rodriguez
dieterCREST: because of that movie
SPWeasle: If I had a kid they'd have to find their own damn way to see that in theaters
dieterCREST: haha
dieterCREST: it's like him and his son were doing a Mad Lib
dieterCREST: There once was this shark boy, and his friend lava girl needed to save the world of planet drool from george lopez
dieterCREST: I really wish I could make this up
dieterCREST: I really wish
dieterCREST: let's make a movie, ned
dieterCREST: what do you like?
SPWeasle: Oh God, get out the mad libs
SPWeasle: I like nachos
dieterCREST: Nacho Man
dieterCREST: and what else?
SPWeasle: brown paper packages tied up with string
dieterCREST: Nacho Man and Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With Strings Woman
SPWeasle: Hahahahahha
dieterCREST: keep going
dieterCREST: this script is writing itself!
SPWeasle: I had a dream the other night about people going to surgery!
SPWeasle: intestinal surgery
dieterCREST: Nacho Man and Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With Strings Woman go to Intestinal Surgery Land in Smell-o-vision!
SPWeasle: oh wow
SPWeasle: I heard Antonio Banderas used to have homosexual relations with an ex preist
SPWeasle: Zorro has an exploding hat!!!
SPWeasle: There is a really annoying mexican child in this
dieterCREST: does Zorro fight the windmill in this one?
dieterCREST: or am I getting something mixed up?
SPWeasle: No no its this one
SPWeasle: Thanks, Chronicles of Narnia
SPWeasle: Our government revolves around a lion
dieterCREST: haha
dieterCREST: our government revolves around a monkey
SPWeasle: hahaha TOUCHE
SPWeasle: So hear about that movie about those girls who get into each others pants?
dieterCREST: oh that one
dieterCREST: it's not as sexy as it sounds