May 30, 2005 00:41

Well, well, well. I am back in Virginnyah, after a strenuous car ride (We caught 500lbs of meat but could only take 200lbs back to the wagon.) I don't know. My parents came this weekend. Finals wrapped up and Katie moved into the apartment as Pyrate moved out. My parents know I'm gay but they wish I wasn't, so there is a little akwardness over that. More than a little akwardness, lately I've been testy, sometimes really reserved and sometimes letting it all out at inappropriate times.

First night after finals I couldn't sleep and ended up totally tired the next day, the day where I moved the stuff from the dorms to the apartment. That night I lay down to sleep when Damian came to the apartment to move the rest of his stuff in. I was so tired, all I wanted to do was sleep, so when Pyrate woke me up "Hey Damian is here" all I could think of is "Oh, he's coming to sleep with me." Worse, I kept thinking it as I helped him move things in the house. "When are we going to sleep together?" We met up with Katie and went out for pizza at Rude Rudy's, the place where music is blasted so loud.

The next day my parents woke me up early and I refused to go out on their adventures. Katie came and moved some stuff in, as exhausted, we lay down on my bed, the nightmare that was finals behind us. "I feel like I should be doing work." We fell asleep on the bed and my parents walked in the door. "OH." They walked out of the door and knocked. "Ned, we're home."

Our neighbors are increasingly scarier. While Katie and I played Animal Crossing, the game of idealistic neighbors who give you things to run errands for you, the real neighbors outside were having a huge fight with swears and fighting. Katie and I listened to it for a while as my parents came by. "Okay, we're going out for a walk." K and I just looked at each other. "Uh, okay." Two cop cars later my parents came running in just before night fell.

We went to Tapas, Pyrate said I looked appropriate for Prom Night or something. My family dressed in shorts and walking sneakers for the ghost tour afterwards. The next day we went to Bonaventure, which I'm probably writing incorrectly but it is a fantastic cemetary. They made me climb a palm tree for a photo oppurtunity, and then didn't know how to work the camera. As I slid down the tree cut up my arm and ran splinters through my fingers.

The car trip back was pretty eventless. Just a long trip. We stopped at this place where you can buy log cabins, this secret dream of my parents. They also got Savannah real-estate catalouges. May GOD HAVE MERCY on our souls.

Now I'm in VA. Don't know about my plans for going to PA. Tomorrow I'm going to Ikea. I'm only doing this trip for furniture. I love my parents, and I don't think they're bad parents but... how do I put this. I hate being with my parents. They're so nervous about everything (gay,) they complain about everything people do (example: piercings and tatoos,) and they just generally fill me with a bile I haven't known since I was a bratty teenager. Its not that I hate them. But our conversations are so sterile, we avoid the important issues. I feel like our relationship is so shallow.

Well, Ned out. This entry is long and boring. I actually miss Savannah, CURSES.
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