So here are some cool things I found while I wasn't updating my journal:
Everything: Think of it as Wikipedia, but more opinionated. It's really fun to post your term papers here. I'm Shahmeran there, though I don't have anything interesting up yet.
National Novel Writing Month: Just like it says, the NaNoWriMo. I participated this year, and got to about 30 500 words (the goal being 50 000) but I plan to finish up over the break and maybe even groom it for submission. We shall see... I'm
Yanocchi there, and the title of my novel is The Attic on Little Imperial. If you want to read the full text of my novel it's in my other eljay:
The Attic on Little Imperial. As a side note, I plan to put other story ideas there, so keep checking back.
BookCrossing: Book crossing is the practice of reading a book and then releasing it into the wild for somebody else to find. Think of it as the love child of the book from "Orange County" and On second thought, just check it out.
43things: Probably the coolest site out there. Despite the fact that amazon or somesuch owns them, it's still totally kick ass. It's like a checklist of things you want to do with your life. They can be silly things like "eat a candy necklace" or serious things like "stop procrastinating" <-- my #1, btw. Couldn't you guess? It's really fun and I have to confess that I'm totally addicted to it. It's a good addiction though, I think it's been really helpful. You can check out my progress, if you so desire,
here. Oh em gee, SO ADDICTING! It's a fun little thing that records which songs you're listening to and helps you connect to other fans. Plus you can look at what other people are listening to. (If you have that one Britney Spears song that's a total guilty pleasure, you can turn it off so you can listen to it and nobody else has to know.) It's also really fun to listen to the Last Radio. You can get introduced to lots of new songs and artists. It's great for people like me who have their music going all the time.
My Last profile.