I am the dumb

Jul 30, 2008 06:27

I think that we all like to believe that we are above average intelligence, that we rise above the masses if only just a little. But even the smartest of us tends to do very dumb things from time to time.
Last weekend I was up in Sydney with the holder of my hart

gryff_lionheart . All was going well until lunchtime on saturday
fred_bear and her companion P Had come down the night before and so we had decided to go to the Sydney Fish Markets for Yum Cha.
 On the way up the ramp into the building P spotted a purse lying on the ground It contained all of the lady in questions ID but no contact number. After a very good lunch we decided to drop it off at the Glebe Police station and head on to Gallery serpentine to do some shopping.
Once at the police station The following conversation occured.

Me: I'll drop it in while you find a place to park
S : Ok, it's in my bag Just grab it and we shall go around the block
Me: go it *Grabs first purse to hand and gets out of the car*

now some of you can see whats coming can't you?

About 20 min later S receives a phone call from her gym " your purse has been handed in at the Glebe police station".
It seems that one black purse looks the same as another to me. After a lot of laughter By all (my Friends and the fine officers of that station) Said purse was recovered.
Now you would think that there would be nop way that I could make my day any more embarrassing, however.
Over coffee We were discussing the fact that they are trying to ban fireworks in Canberra. P pointed out that Canberra polies have a "big grannie" attitude toward the public. I pointed out that the reason that they were banning Fireworks and not Porn was because explosives have a more immediate danger to the public than porn.
But what I actually said was...
"You can't blow your hand off with porn."
Well you can guess the reaction that got.
So even though I had already displayed the dumb once that day it seems to have not been enough.

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