So, rather than talk about the craziness going on, I watched the latest Picard ep and just need to have a wee vent behind the cut on how I feel about it ;)
I liked how the started, for the most part.
There have been some great and some interesting things in it up to now, but this last ep.
It's been hitting a lot of the issues I have had on how people post TNG write Data and how they treated him - and I'm sure the creative folks think they're being daring and raising interesting questions...but really all they're doing is going for the old school anti robot thnking and not actually recognising or answering things they put in there themselves.
And it's getting frustrating.
Random new soong (though if following the trend built from Enterprise - he's another Arik clone, and possibly at the limit of cloning)
Sutra (what a name o.o) is far too Lore like for my liking (w bonus murder of her 'sibling' to frame romulans as even more evil). She's so very Lore. And they are edging Soji that way too.
They started with a good idea, a nice take (with Dahj) but it's kinda spiralled into androids being: evil/superior or overly innocent.
There's no middle ground.
I hope that there's a borg/Lore element to Sutra most particularly, with Soji being the only one of a pair based on Data maybe, but urgh.
It's just. Messy.
Obviously they aren't going to wipe out all non-sythentics next week, and the sythentics are going to survive in some way (cos season two) - but I can't see a valuable, interesting or logical outcome from where they've written themselves.
I always hated the 'Data is the only good/complete android who knows they're an android' thing. I didn't need more Lore or another suspect Soong.
I just. *sighs*
I'm kinda glad that Geordi hasn't been in this at this point ;) (And the now AU I have been plotting for years will prob get written, espec as now have loaddddds of home time o.O)
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