Hi all - sorry for the radio silence (I lacked decent internet while in London last weekend and I slept most of wednesday then it was work and crossovering deadline time)
I had fun at the convention (the last Lost Girl only convention - which I went to because Ksenia and Aaron <3 but the others were all sweethearts too (Tim Rozon is SO NICE seriously - and the poor man can't understand the actual paper letters of hate he got for Lost Girl, but yes, he shook hands and hugged everyone at 1.30am Monday morning. Seriously <3)
I did all three museums/exhibitions on my list \0/ - downside was the football holligans on my return train (seriously, they'd had masses of wine on their train before, at 11am o.O and were heckling people randomly *sighs*)
I will do a better write up with pics soon.
In other randomness - for the epic partly NanoWriMo writing - does anyone know of any interesting myths/folklore?? (I am building a selection - and currently poking the american poltergeist stuff - all the british tend to have teenage girls present, interesting pattern that that is).
The premise of the writing being crime cases based around different supernatural/preternatural things (or things that people have argued as supernatural/preternatural because they can't deal with it otherwise aka medieval werewolf trials).
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