
Jul 13, 2016 20:19

It's a day later and I have a massive bruise and my arm just bone deep aches - and it's my right arm and URGH (next time and forever after left arm only so if they fail that bad it doesn't effect as much). I am so glad that driving manual here means left arm for gear shifts.

Like I need to get my application finished, but I can not type that much. Because it aches less straight out. On the up side, after a mini melt down, I can actually get referee forms sent to me to send in for this one (I got an almost instant yes sure from dissertation supervisor \o/ but then had the 'but I haven't submitted application, because I have to have my reference names' moment then read the minimal guidance they gave and it does allow them to come with the application *face palm*)

Our weather is really weird at the moment. Like hot but the amount of rain when we get random bursts, then the brilliant sunshine. It's extreme April showers in July.

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