I hate being sick

Feb 08, 2016 21:25

So - five days into cold/flu of doom, I decided to try and get antibiotics (given that my tonsils are swollen and distinctly infected) - had to go to walk in cos no same day appointments at GP, and got told that no, not bad enough, have to just stick with lemsip and man up basically. URGH. (None of this is helped by the fact that I have a bad reaction to Menthol stuff, so the useful cough medicines and throat sweets are out (I either randomly pass out for extended periods, or my stomach becomes more of an issue than the flu - never again o.O)). I am also a little paranoid, because the one time I officially had tonsilitis I had a seizure and had to be hospitalised, so yeah.

My glands are inflamed enough to make breathing fun, but nope, it's totally viral apparently - and back at work wed..... I really hope this does go in the next few days, rather than get worse.

And so ends my first post of February *heh*

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