(Derrick stole my idea)^2

Oct 06, 2006 05:22

Because, you know I had planned to start posting here (well, and my livejournal) more often. Because someone might be interested. Not sure who, but you know. I bet Lance would be interested if he HAD a myspace. I suspect his happy places grow warm when in my presence, so I would definitely think his loins would go crazy if he could read my innermost thoughts--only about 10% of which are appropriate to be stated.

So I guess this would be that 10%. Now that means I either have little to contribute here or that I think a lot. I like to think it's the latter, as I privately refer to myself as "Lord and Intellectual Master of all Things Worthy of my Time," or simply "Imperator" if I'm feeling particularly feisty that day.

Generally this blog, or "receptacle of my mind's byproducts" is probably going to contain rants such as this designed solely to boost my own ego, how I made certain 3d models (first one will be posted as soon as the Blizzard Fan Art contest ends), and other such things that are appropriate for people to see.

Except on occasion where I might accidentally post part of that other 90%. If that happens, please try to not gouge your eyes out with a dull pencil and just go with it. It'll be over soon, and might be less painful than the eye gouging thing.

Unless you're into the sort of stuff that might exist in the other 90%. In which case, you're a pervert.

But I digress. All I have to say today is: two monitors (one widescreen!) + one desk = gaming + modeling awesomeness. If I ever get a digital camera I'll have to post a picture of my setup.
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