New Year.

Jan 02, 2005 20:38

So that was Christmas and New Year then. Overall, I've had better Christmases over the years. There's really not a lot more to say about it than that. Feeling a bit influenced by the blues this evening. To be honest even Top Gear isn't cheering me up much.

Christmas in and of itself was fine, my little brother is every bit as irritating as ever, although to be fair he's getting closer to the age where sanity may simply intrude gently into his world. Overall though, could have been worse, he's still far too much a reminder of my own childhood for comfort.

In better news, I got a lot of books, lots of books. I also was able to access the grandparental library. Then I went shopping for books. Got the book athena25 has been going on about norrell and strange or something. I've also just read the utterly brilliant "The amazing adventures of Kavalier and Clay".

New Year's was nice, but mostly degenerated into me failing to successfully chat up a girl I really rather like. Still there we are, some things rarely change.

Right well that's enough of all of that, an evening in front of the telly and possibly playing some ay low into the wee hours.
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